As you gauge the pros and cons of solar systems, it’s a good idea to consider the general effect on your property value. You’ll likewise need to consider factors including:
-The amount you spend on your monthly bill.
-How much daylight your home gets consistently.
Do Solar Panels Increase Home Value?
A couple of studies in the U.S have shown that houses that have a solar system installed, sell for an average of $6,000 for every kilowatt of the solar system installed, or for an estimated 4.1% more than their regular price. In any case, this can fluctuate a lot based on the geographic area you are based in.
Do Solar Panels Affect Property Taxes?
Solar Panels do not affect your property tax in Curacao. You do end up paying a tax on your solar panels if you have an on-grid solar system. Homeowners with off-grid solar systems do not pay any taxes.
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